
【SPURS 新展】莎娜·沃德尔个展“第一章:她/他居住的国度……”

s SPURS Gallery

莎娜·沃德尔个展“第一章:她/他居住的国度…… ”


Gallery I|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院 798 艺术区 D-06

马刺画廊将于2023年12月2日在Gallery I呈现艺术家莎娜·沃德尔(Shanna Waddell)在画廊的首次个展“第一章:她/他居住的国度……”(Chapter 1: where s/heness society lives …)。

“她/他国”(s/heness society)是沃德尔进行的一个长久的叙事,将逐一以个展、最终通过一本书的形式来展示“她/他国”的各个篇章。“她/他国”是沃德尔创造的一个另类世界,充满女性气质的艺术家集体“她/他”(s/heness)在这个世界中生活。“她/他”的日常活动包括但不限于:种植花卉、在月落时采风进行绘画等等,这是一个包罗万象的充满宁静与关爱的社会。




莎娜·沃德尔,《她/他居住的国度 3》,2023,布面油画,183 x 336 cm|Shanna Waddell, where s/heness society lives III, 2023, oil on canvas, 183 x 336 cm

Shanna Waddell, Chapter 1: where s/heness society lives …

December 2, 2023 – January 21, 2024

Gallery I | SPURS Gallery, D-06, 798 Art Zone, 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 

SPURS Gallery is pleased to present “Chapter 1: where s/heness society lives …,” an exhibition by Shanna Waddell on December 2, 2023. This will be the artist’s first solo show with the gallery and will be exhibited in Gallery I.

“s/heness society” is Waddell’s lifelong narrative. Solo shows serve as ongoing installments to Waddell’s world-building project, eventually culminating in a book that showcases chapters of “s/heness society.” “s/heness society” is an other-worldly plane, an artist commune brimming with femininity that houses “s/heness.” These figures occupy themselves daily with activities such as flower farming and plein-air moonset painting, forming a utopian society of tranquility and care.

“s/heness society” is built with lush color, sumptuous gardens, glorious coastal scenes, and ethereal feminine figures. Here, though “s/heness” appears as beautiful, sensuous feminine figures, their bodies are more of a vessel for a collective spirit than a statement to the division of genders. They are artists, but also flower-planting farmers, dedicating themselves to the practice of an original, pastoral way of life and a collaborative process of collective creation. As artist-inhabitants of her world, “s/heness” helps Waddell achieve a freedom in dialogue with the history of art, absorbing unboundedly the masculine modes of painting of Edvard Munch, Pierre Bonnard, and Gustav Klimt, etc.

In this chapter, Waddell invites us into the art-making spaces of the members of “s/heness society.” The ambiguity between land and sea, luxuriously dressed artists who sketch from palatial, floral landscapes — Waddell’s alternative world opens in a flourishing and extremely alluring way.

The exhibition will be on view until January 21 2024.

莎娜·沃德尔,《她/他们在户外作画》,2020,综合材料,180 x 246 cm|Shanna Waddell, s/heness paints outdoors together, 2020, mixed media, 180 x 246 cm




Shanna Waddell’s project in world-building through a series of works that depicts a self-sustaining flower farm artist commune is both an exercise in imagination and also a contemplation in dialogue with models of art history and art-making. Waddell absorbs and adapts the primarily masculine modes of painting with pure freedom and interjects her spirit into ideas for future models of living. 

Shanna Waddell (b. 1981, Long Beach, USA) received a BFA in Drawing and Painting from California State University in 2006 and an MFA in Drawing and Painting from Tyler School of Art, Temple University in Philadelphia in 2010. She now lives and works in Los Angeles.

SPURS 即将展出

莎娜·沃德尔个展“第一章:她/他居住的国度…… ”


Gallery I|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院 798 艺术区 D-06


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